10 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

10 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Have you ever squinted into the bathroom mirror after a particularly stressful week at home or at work? I bet you were thinking, “Where did those lines come from? Weren’t they just laugh lines yesterday?” Maybe it was the later than usual nights spent worrying on a deadline or maybe the new eyeglasses you ordered are just, er, doing what it’s supposed to do. Whatever the culprit is, the new lines you see are just a reminder that time marches on, and wrinkles are a natural part of life. But that doesn't mean we can't fight back a little and keep our skin looking its best for as long as possible! There are many ways to reduce wrinkles, and the good news is that a lot of them involve simple lifestyle changes and routines you can easily incorporate into your day. 

1. Sun's Out, But You Should Be Covered 

After months of cold and gloom, the sun is out and we all love how the sun feels on our skin, right? But do you know that those UV rays are wreaking havoc on our skin, well, actually our collagen production. And as we all know collagen keeps our skin plump and youthful. Not only should you be making sunscreen your BFF (as in wearing it every day), but you should also think about buying a wide-brimmed hat that will protect you from the heat. Unfortunately, baseball caps do not protect the neck and ears. 

2. Sleep on Your Back

I know, it's kind of shocking! How we sleep has a big impact on how we produce those unwanted lines. We all know that sleep plays a big role in keeping wrinkles at bay because it's during this time when the skin is busy repairing itself. But sleeping on your back further prevents wrinkles from forming by avoiding the constant pressure on your face. Back sleeping can be uncomfortable for most of us, but you can get used to it in due time. If you have a maternity pillow you're no longer using, it can help you sleep on your back more comfortably. And yes, the material of your pillowcase also matters. Choose pillowcases that have less traction, like silk ones. Also, make sure to replace your pillowcase regularly to minimize dust and bacteria that can irritate your skin.

3. Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Who doesn't love a margarita night with friends? But those tasty drinks can be a bit drying for our skin. Maybe this is a good time to swap out some of those evening drinks for a glass of water. Alcohol acts like a diuretic, which means it pulls water away from your skin cells. This dehydration makes your skin look dull and can worsen wrinkles. Alcohol can also interfere with our body's ability to absorb nutrients and produce collagen. So, while we all deserve a little relaxation, cutting back on alcohol can be a big win for your skin's health and appearance. 

4. Moisturizing is Not Just For Aesthetics

Look for a moisturizer with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides. These ingredients help lock in hydration and keep your skin plump and supple. Choose a moisturizer that also contains sunscreen and vitamins like C, E, A, and B5 for added protection and nourishment. Adding moisturizer to your routine doesn’t mean it’s an extra, it’s actually an essential. Use a moisturizer after bathing, especially after a hot bath when moisture is stripped from your skin. 

5. Say No to Smoking

Smoking is a major culprit behind wrinkles and a host of skin problems such as deeper facial wrinkles. Current theories on why smoking does that include the breakdown of the skin’s elasticity, narrowing down of blood vessels, and reduced levels of vitamin A. If you're looking for ways to reduce wrinkles, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Wrinkles are actually the least of your worries when you don’t quit smoking. You’re at a big risk for developing infections and contracting diseases, persistent wounds that take a long time to heal, and serious dermatologic diseases such as psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus

6. Eat Your Way to Fewer Wrinkles

What you eat will show on your face. Fill your plate with fatty fish (i.e., salmon and mackerel), tomatoes, avocado, soy, red grapes – all of which are packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals that damage skin cells. Healthy fats like those found in salmon and avocado help keep your skin hydrated. Food with high lycopene content such as in tomatoes can also provide protection from the sun. 

7. Relax ‘Cause It’s Good For Your Skin

Stress can take its toll on you, leading to wrinkles and breakouts. Find healthy ways to manage stress – it could be sports, meditation, yoga sessions, or simply enjoying the outdoors. Stress has physical effects that cause changes in your skin’s elasticity. The scientific explanation? Whenever you are stressed, your body produces cortisol that breaks down collagen. So, if you are constantly under immense pressure, your collagen decreases as cortisol increases. Stress is a mighty villain and relaxation techniques are the superheroes. 

8. Consider a Wrinkle Fighter Like Red Light Therapy  

Red light therapy has become increasingly popular for its potential to reduce wrinkles. It uses low-wavelength red light to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture. Red light therapy might be a great addition to your wrinkle-fighting arsenal.

9. Don't Forget Your Neck and Chest

Wrinkles aren't just a facial phenomenon! Make sure you extend your skincare routine to your neck and chest. These areas are often neglected, but they show signs of aging just like your face. Just imagine a beautiful, youthful face but then your neck and decolletagé betray you. Clean those areas as you would clean your face: gently. Apply moisturizer and sunscreen as these areas are prone to age spots and hyperpigmentation. 

10. Be Gentle with Your Skin

As earlier explained, scrubbing your face raw won't do wonders for wrinkles. We love the squeaky clean feeling, but it’s not beneficial to our skin. Wash your face and neck twice a day with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Avoid harsh products and scalding water that can strip your skin of its natural oils.

Final Thoughts

Wrinkles are a natural part of life, but it doesn’t mean we just throw in the towel and totally surrender our youthful glow. There are plenty of ways to reduce wrinkles, but the tips in this list can easily be incorporated into our daily routine. From getting enough sleep to making smart lifestyle choices like limiting alcohol and sun exposure, we can all take steps to keep our skin healthy and radiant with a youthful glow. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with your healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Never dismiss or put off getting expert medical advice because of something you read on UbiSkin.

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